Campus Life


The university experience is more than the classes you take or the degree you earn. It's also about making lifelong connections and being part of a community that helps you grow into the person you want to be.

  • 11,600名学生(接近一半的研究生,一半的本科生)
  • 超过100个学生经营的俱乐部和组织
  • 125英亩美丽的校园空间
  • 720英亩的原始荒野毗邻罗斯福国家森林 

Living at DU

学生在正规赌博十大平台排行的前两年住在校园里, 所以我们的社区不断地注入新面孔, ideas and experiences. 你是否在生活和学习社区中测试你的翅膀, club sports, 或者任何基于校园的学生组织, you're sure to find a home at DU.

Walk around campus in the fall and you'll find students relaxing on the greens, 享受着我们许多树木变化的颜色. 冬天带来了第一场雪的庆祝活动, where our community gathers for hot chocolate and snowball fights as students and faculty enjoy the pristine beauty of a snow-covered campus. Once the snow melts, with nature in full bloom, you'll find our lawns and green spaces populated by students soaking up the Colorado sun.

With five residence halls, 一系列餐饮选择,方便前往英里高城, this is where your path begins.

Living at DU

mountain campus


With the introduction of the James C. Kennedy Mountain Campus, DU is the only university to integrate both an urban and a mountain campus, offering the opportunity for every student to grow in multiple dimensions in order to lead lives of purpose, for themselves and for the difference you’ll make in communities around the globe. Here, there is something for every learner to expand upon and apply to your studies on our urban campus. 感谢慷慨的捐助者和支持者, these experiences are available with no additional financial burden to our students or their families. 

  • Bridge over Evans

    Driscoll Student Center: 德里斯科尔是校园里学生活动的中心. It's centrally located so you can grab your books and DU gear at the bookstore, get coffee on your way to class, meet up with friends, or access many of the student and career-support services we offer all in one place.

  • AAC on a dusky springs ever

    Anderson Academic Commons: Home to our print and digital libraries as well as academic support services, Anderson is a modern take on the college library and a perfect place to study and focus on achieving your goals. You'll also find a coffee shop, a digital media center and quiet meeting rooms where you can work on projects with other students.

  • Student on lawn reading

    Green Spaces: Our campus is home to an arboretum with over 2,100 trees and lush lawns near almost every building. 你会有很多伸展的空间, 享受科罗拉多300天的阳光,和你的朋友们一起活跃起来.

  • work out space

    健身及健康设施: 在丹佛方圆数英里都能看到里奇中心的金色尖顶. The center houses our NCAA athletics facilities and the Coors Fitness Center. 作为一名学生,你可以免费使用健康中心 & 咨询中心,还有我们的奥运泳池, 一面攀岩墙和一系列其他运动设施.

  • mountain campus

    James C. Kennedy Mountain Campus: DU体验的最新提升, 我们的山区校园为学生提供了反思的机会, connect and explore Colorado's stunning natural landscapes—enhancing our signature 4D Experience

On Campus


Promoting Sustainability

Our formal policy on climate change and sustainable development utilizes our partnerships and academic efforts in research, teaching and service to increase our sustainability and improve awareness in the community.

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Marcus Commons presentation

Marcus Commons Reimagined

Ten students in the Daniels College of Business' Real Estate and Built Environment program divided into teams and presented ideas for transforming Marcus Commons into a flexible, 功能和协作空间.

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Arts & Activities

With over 100 student-run clubs, 校园里从不缺少可做的事情, 与阿尔卑斯俱乐部一起探索落基山脉, 和你的朋友一起参加俱乐部运动, 或者通过我们的服务组织帮助改善当地社区. 曲棍球赛季期间,校园里灯火通明, and our cultural festivals bring people together to celebrate and express the many experiences of our diverse community.

We've built a campus that serves as a cultural hub for our students and the city we call home. 纽曼表演艺术中心举办音乐会, 来自世界各地的文化偶像的戏剧表演和演讲. 在我们的艺术画廊和校园里的小剧场, you can contribute your voice to cultural conversations and learn from contemporary artists hailing from Denver and beyond.

Most important, we strive to foster a diverse and inclusive community that respects every perspective and encourages intellectual exploration. 因为我们是无教派的,我们支持所有信仰的人. Through class work, 社区项目和校园讨论和倡议, 我们努力让所有背景的人都参与到对话中来.

Come explore with us and discover how the Pioneer spirit animates every member of our community.

Arts & Activities

Creating Memories

DU Maker's Market

From pickles to 3D printing, DU students, faculty, staff and community member showed off their homemade goods at the DU Maker's Market, 由可持续发展中心提出.

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DU Celebrates First Snow

正规赌博十大平台排行和包容性卓越举办一年一度的杜第一场雪. Students, 教职员工用热巧克力和甜甜圈来庆祝这一节日, 同时在德里斯科尔格林的火坑旁取暖.

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student getting support

Academic Support

We believe life and learning should complement each other, two parts of the whole college experience. As a Pioneer, you'll have access to support systems that help you capitalize on your strengths and transform your dreams into reality.

We've built a Career Services system to help you maximize the opportunities available to you and discover new ones through our connections to Denver and our global alumni community. 我们会帮你找到实习机会,让你获得宝贵的工作经验. When it's time for the next step, we'll provide support as you search for a fulfilling job.

我们相信帮助校园里的每个人追求自己的目标. 多样性对我们的社会至关重要, 我们致力于满足每个种族的人的需求, gender and sexual orientation. You'll have a safe, welcoming environment where you can explore your identity and discover who you really want to be, 不管你的背景或你来自哪里.

Academic Support

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